UC TronSoc


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We are TronSoc, the club at UC founded to support Mechatronics Engineering students. We aim to provide opportunities for mechatronics students to learn, meet new people, secure internships and succeed at UC.


In 2023, our main goal is to resurrect our presence at UC for the students. Events currently on the line up are Friday afternoon chats at the Foundry, Industry nights, tutoring, a UC fun kit drive, and barbecues. There is something for everyone whether you are looking for help/guidance or space to decompress. TronSoc is open to all UC students and alumni, no matter if you study mechatronics, intend to, have, or just have an interest.


Advocacy. Industry. Social. Academia. We are free to join so come check us out!

There are no scheduled events.
There are no current news articles.