Postgrad Students

Student Executive

Welcome to UC!

We know that being a postgrad brings its highs and lows, and the UCSA is here for both.

A key person in this is our elected Postgraduate Student Representative. They're here to ensure your voice is heard and represented on campus, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions, feedback or representation issues:

Their work is supported by our Postgraduate Advisory Group, who provide student feedback on a range of issues. Find out more.

The UCSA also organise a range of postgrad events during the year, often in collaboration with the Postgrad Students' Association, so keep an eye on our Events page to see what's coming up.

If you're new to UC, keep reading for our Postgrad Starter Pack, a collection of people to meet and resources to tap into ...

Top three things to do when you're new

  • Attend a UC Graduate School Orientation / new doctoral student induction session.
  • Meet with your supervisor to establish expectations, discuss your topic and get suggested readings to start off with.
  • Connect with your departmental Graduate Research Coordinator to organise work station set-up and a swipe card, and to meet admin staff.

Te Kura Tāura | UC Graduate School

Te Kura Tāura | UC Graduate School provides administrative support, academic process advising and researcher development.

These services include expert advice in relation to Mātauranga Māori and the Māori consultation process as well as research ethics guidance, and a wide array of skills development opportunities for UC research master’s and doctoral students.

It is a space where UC graduate research students can access wraparound support targeting their specific needs at every stage of the research journey.

UC Student Care

The Student Care Team offers practical advice to support your wellbeing and success as a UC student. They can be found in the Undercroft in Puaka James-Hight.

UC Health Centre

The Health Centre is located next to the UCSA building and is open Monday to Friday (and Saturdays during exam periods). It provides a wide range of services for students, including: injuries, counselling, sexual health, travel advice, and vaccines, asthma, employment medicals, and physiotherapy.

UCSA Advocacy and Welfare

The UCSA Advocacy and Welfare Team are here to support you in many ways. They offer all enrolled UC students access to free and confidential services, which are completely independent from the University. If you are having issues with such things as your wellbeing, your finances, your relationship with your supervisor, or if you are having difficulties navigating the university system, make sure you contact Advocacy and Welfare. They are really friendly!

Financial Assistance

If you are having financial difficulties, then you might like to contact Student Care or the UCSA Advocacy and Welfare Team to discuss your situation and options.


UC has a huge range of scholarships for postgraduate students. Visit their website to find the ones that are relevant to you, along with application details.


Learn is the UC platform used to communicate course and class information. For research students, there is a useful page run by Te Kura Tāura | UC Graduate School called “Graduate Research Students”, which has a number of handy resources.

Postgrad-specific Events and Workshops

During the year, specific events/workshops are offered on topics of interest to the postgraduate community. Keep a look out via your networks and notifications (including on the website) for the range of events on offer. Some are jointly planned by UC services, involving UC Graduate School, Academic Skills Centre, the Library, and the UCSA/PGSA.

UCSA Early Learning Centres

The UCSA provides two early learning centres for students with children. One is located on the main (Ilam) campus, and the other is on the Dovedale campus. Rates are cheaper for students.

UC Rec Centre

If you are keen to get active, be it through the gym or sport, the UC Rec Centre offers great opportunities. Rec Centre membership includes an extensive group fitness programme with expert guidance. There are also free introductory sessions for the gym, and low-cost personalised gym programmes from their expert team or qualified fitness consultants. Small group training is also available each term. Registration is free and all you need is your student ID number.

UC Academic Services

The Academic Skills Centre is a free advisory service that helps students with academic writing and study strategies to maximise achievement through all levels of study. They are located on Level 3, Puaka-James Hight (the library).

They hold useful seminars for thesis, honours and taught master’s students, including a research student orientation, which is great to go to if you are new to being a research student at UC.

UC Subject Librarians

Subject librarians are specialists who can assist at all stages of your research: from conducting your literature review, to managing your data, to publishing and sharing your research. Meet with them early.

Clubs and Societies

UC has a vast array of clubs on offer – there are over 160 clubs to choose from at UC! There are clubs to satisfy everyone’s interests, and the full list can be found on the UCSA website.

One club specific to postgraduates is the PGSA – “UC’s social club for postgrads.” This club is a great way to meet and become friends with fellow postgraduate students outside of your usual department.

Social Media

If you’re on Facebook, the following groups are helpful.

  • UCSA Noticeboard (search ‘UCSANoticeboard’): A group where students can chat and share news and information about campus life. It’s also popular for buying and selling items near the University. Some students even use it to find research participants; although rules apply and they must cite their UC Human Ethics Committee approval in the post.
  • UC International Community: A group where you can connect with fellow international students and support.
  • UC Textbooks: Buy, Sell & Trade (“UCTextbooks”): A place to buy and sell textbooks. The group isn't run by UC.
  • PGSA Noticeboard (search ‘UCPGSA’): A group for like-minded postgrads. It’s a good place to connect with others and find events and notices.

Student Media

CANTA magazine: The UCSA funds a student magazine written by students for students. You can find free copies on campus, or visit their online platforms, which span a website, social media and a podcast. (The magazine is editorially independent from the UCSA.)

Fun Things to do on Campus

The Foundry bar runs weeknight rituals. These range from an Open Mic Night and Quiz Night.

Postgrad E-newsletter

The UCSA Postgraduate Rep sends out a regular e-newsletter packed with info just for Postgrads. Be sure to look out for this in your email inbox or you can also read the most recent updates on the News section of this website.