Hot Dub Time Machine

Saturday 05 April 2025

7:30pm - 11pm

Ngaio Marsh Theatre

CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP: HOT DUB IS BACK FOR 2025!⁠ Don't miss Hot Dub Time Machine as he comes back to Christchurch on Sat 5 April.

Hot Dub Time Machine is back for 2025 and he just can’t stop bringing the energy with a new headline tour around Australia and New Zealand. Hot Dub consistently throws legendary parties. For over a decade now, Hot Dub has been rocking shows around the world, from Splendour in the Grass to Coachella to Tomorrowland - you will not want to miss his brand-new show Can’t Stop, celebrating the best in dance music from 1962-2025.

Grab your best friends and get ready for a dancefloor that just won’t quit, in what will be an EPIC show you will not want to miss, as always delivering on the promise of the BEST. PARTY. EVER!

Register now to win epic prizes and be the first to access the presale and cheapest tix😀⁠



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