BBQ Events

View this month's events

Thu 3rd April

End of Term BBQ
11am - 1pm
Haere-roa Amphitheatre
Celebrate the end of term with a classic UCSA FREE BBQ 🌭

Mon 28th April

Start of Term BBQ
11am - 1pm
Haere-roa Amphitheatre
Kick off a new term with a classic UCSA FREE BBQ 🌭

Thu 29th May

End of Term BBQ
11am - 1pm
Haere-roa Amphitheatre
Made it to the end of term? We got you!

Thu 21st August

End of Term BBQ
11am - 1pm
Haere-roa Amphitheatre
Celebrate the end of term with a classic UCSA FREE BBQ 🌭

Mon 8th September

Start of Term BBQ
11am - 1pm
Haere-roa Amphitheatre
Kick off a new term with a classic UCSA FREE BBQ 🌭
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