Drug Checking

As part of wider harm minimisation strategies, the UCSA has acquired a Spectrometer in order to expand the service. From February 2024, Know Your Stuff will be running a Drug Checking Clinic every week during term time in Haere-roa.

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Drug Checking is now on Campus.

Since 2020, the UCSA and KnowYourStuff have partnered to provide a drug-checking service for UC Students prior to our major events.

As part of wider harm minimisation strategies, the UCSA has acquired a Spectrometer in order to expand the service. Starting during ORI ’24, Know Your Stuff will be running a Drug Checking Clinic every week during term time in Haere-roa.

The service will be held between 3pm-7pm on Wednesdays, with the move to campus providing greater accessibility for UC Students.

The UCSA does not condone drug use of any kind, but we are aware of the realities that exist. Because of this, we feel harm prevention methods are necessary. Although we have little control over the intent for use, Know Your Stuff provides a service which helps to provide education and information to reach the same objective.

What is Drug Checking?

The process, open to all, involves participants testing a small sample of the substance they intend to ingest. Participants are given results along with a harm reduction briefing on how to be safer if they decide to use the substance. They are also given the option to have the substance destroyed. Harm reduction is the key goal of the service and it is free of charge.


Check out the UCSA socials weekly for an update on location. Held in either: 

The UCSA Meeting Room in Haere-roa (90 Ilam Road), on the rainbow path side of the building.

The Room of Requirement in Haere-roa (90 Ilam Road), upstairs next to Bentley's on the Foundry side of the building. 



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