Welcome to UC!
We know that being a postgrad brings its highs and lows, and the UCSA is here for both.
A key person to help support you is your elected Postgraduate Student Representative. They're here to ensure your
voice is heard and represented on campus, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions, feedback or
representation issues: postgraduate@ucsa.org.nz.
The Executive has a dedicated postgraduate group who provide student feedback on a range of issues called the Postgraduate Advisory Group (PGAG).
The UCSA PGAG is responsible for providing student feedback to the Postgraduate Rep, the Executive Committee and the Chief Executive regarding postgraduate students’ needs and any related issues within the student population. The PGAG’s aim is to ensure that the UCSA hears the postgraduate student voice and works to create a stronger sense of belonging for all postgraduate students on campus.
The PGAG will meet 1-2 times per term, with an expectation of a meeting duration of up to two hours.
To get in touch with the Postgraduate representative, email: postgraduate@ucsa.org.nz.
The UCSA also organise a range of postgrad events during the year, often in collaboration with the
Postgrad Students' Association, so keep an eye on our Events
page to see what's coming up.
If you're new to UC, keep reading for our Postgrad Starter Pack, a collection of people to meet and resources to tap into ...