The Cambridge Clinic
If you feel uncomfortable reporting to the Police and you are not sure who to go to for help, you
may like to consider getting in touch with the Cambridge Clinic.
The Cambridge Clinic is a specialist medical service, and they can support you, or someone you
know who is over the age of 13 years, who have been sexually assaulted or abused, either
recently or in the past.
The services provided by the Cambridge Clinic is free.
They are able to provide medical services such as emergency contraception and STI screening and
prevention, and they can also provide you with practical and emotional support.
The Cambridge Clinic has caring and specially trained staff who can provide medical and forensic
They work alongside the Sexual Assault Service Canterbury (SASSC) team who provide 24/7 sexual
assault crisis support and ongoing assistance.
At the Cambridge Clinic, you are in control every step of the way.
Cambridge Clinic
Aviva’s Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury (SASSC) provides 24-7 support for you, your
family/whanau and friends.
You can call them on (03) 378 3847 or 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
if you are located in Canterbury.
You can also email them at
Please note that the email inbox is checked during office hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm).
Safe to talk
Safe to talk is a 24/7 sexual harm helpline offering free,
confidential contact with trained specialists. They can help connect you to support services in your
community, such as the Cambridge Clinic. You can contact them by Phone:
0800 044 334, Text:
Online chat, or Email: