Suggestion Box

Suggestion Box


Got a suggestion for the UCSA? Want to vote on other students’ ideas? This is the place to do it.

Log in, do your thing, and the Student Exec Team will review it.

For questions, email UCSA’s Vice-President - Engagement:

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Nikolina Canaria
1:55pm on 30 May 24 I can't believe this was submitted 9 months ago with hardly any votes! I've been complaining about this and was about to suggest this, lol. As someone who has a condition that makes me hungry every 1-2 hours despite eating enough nutrients, I find it very difficult to stay at uni after 3pm. I can't survive on vending machines or even by bringing food with me to uni as it tends to run out fast. I will be sharing this and hopefully we get more votes!
Lily Ditablan
1:58pm on 30 May 24 Agree wholeheartedly. Cannot study while hungry methinks